E se ti awon Eni rere nkoja lo si aiyeraye ni Agbedemeji ojo won…..Haaaa Eleyi tun lagbara ooooDELE GOLD this was not our agreement, JULY 21 you Came to Ilorin with the Full Band without collecting a KOBO from me to play for my Family during the celebration of life of my Father final burial, then i understan you’re not looking very good i ask you what happen and you narrate the health issue challenging you’re battle with, but you said you have to honour me and you promise me when you get back to Lagos you will be fine, As at 3 weeks a go i call to check on you, you told me are should continue praying for you because you’re still @ the hospital taken treatment, I wanted to come you ask me not to worry my self Just continue praying for you. In the last one week am not comfortable because you’re not picking calls when I call you am worry, until yesterday the bad News of your departure to next passage of life wisper to my ear. that my belove Brother is DEAD what a lost to me.We are not born disame month but every month of MAY you always create Time to celebrate my BIRTHDAY with me & Friend with a lot of your personal Money, I ask you after my father Burial that DELE why did you love me so Much your reply is BALM E tobi Lowo mi Gan.atipe Eyin na O kin seyan bee BalmI stop coming to your office because any time you ask me to come I know you want to give me a GiftHaaa IKU EYI TO SE YI O Daaaa Oooooo, Wo bi awon Alagbara tin subu ti ohun ija segbe.

By Gabriel Oladipupo

CEO: Balm of Gilead Media


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